Main Office Number: 781-894-3357
TDD Phone Number: 781-894-3357
Maintenance/Emergency: 781-899-6363

Regular Business Hours:
Monday-Wednesday: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Thursday: 11:00am to 5:30pm
Friday: 8:00am to noon


Board of Commissioners

The Waltham Housing Authority has five members on its Board of Commissioners. Four of these members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City, and one member is appointed by the Governor of Massachusetts. One member must be a housing authority tenant. The Executive Director reports directly to the Board of Commissioners and is responsible for the management and operation of the agency and its personnel.


Patricia McGrath (Chairperson) email
Kelly Durkee-Erwin (Vice-Chairperson - State Appointee) email
Scott Hovsepian (Treasurer - Union Representative) email
Robert LeBlanc (CPC Representative) email
Gail David  (Tenant Representative) email

Executive Staff

John F. Gollinger (Executive Director, Secretary of Board) email
Mark A. Johnson (Assistant Executive Director) email
Barbara Hubacheck (Occupancy Manager) email
Sharif Omer (Maintenance Director) email

Kelly Durkee-Erwin

Ms. Durkee-Erwin is the state appointee to the Waltham Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners, having been named to the board by former Gov. Deval Patrick in 2008 and re-appointed by Gov. Charlie Baker in 2015.  Commissioner Durkee-Erwin also serves on the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (MassNAHRO).  As a member of the MassNAHRO Board of Directors, she plays a major role in improving the quality of public housing across Massachusetts. MassNAHRO represents more than 240 local housing authorities that own or manage more than 49,000 state-funded and 33,000 federally funded public housing units across the Commonwealth, and is the key advocate for public housing on Beacon Hill.

A lifelong resident of Waltham, Ms. Durkee-Erwin has worked professionally and as a volunteer over the past two decades with those living in and interacting with low-income residents of affordable housing, assisting clients living in elderly and disabled housing and group homes run by the WHA.  In addition, she works part-time for the Massachusetts National Guard Family Program as a regional Family Assistance Specialist. She is also active in Waltham American Legion Post 156, VFW Post 10334 and Massachusetts VFW District 18, and is clerk of the Waltham Arts Council. She resides in Waltham with her husband and son.

“It means a great deal to me to be elected by the dedicated professionals who do such a great job of serving residents of public housing all across our state,” said Ms. Durkee-Erwin. “The Commissioners and staff of the Waltham Housing Authority are committed to improving the quality of life for our residents and this honor is a reflection of that commitment.”

Board Meetings

The Board of Commissioners of the Waltham Housing Authority meets at lease once every month.  Regular sheduled meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:30 pm at the Community Room at 110 Pond Street, Waltham.  The official notice of the Board Meetings is posted at the office of the Clerk of the City of Waltham City Hall, 610 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451.